How to Describe a Home
Odunjo Azeez
A boy pronounces “war” as “whore,”
Says: they are portraits of everything his home
Will not return to the earth—till hell freezes over.
A bird escapes through the orifice of a
Rifle blesses the zephyr with scars, & nests
in a man who walks into memories.
On some days, silence loses its lethargy, calls
Sabre to quench its thirst in its scabbard—
a rivulet of red tears.
To eat for two means work will shapeshift into
Water in the Atacama; the bush will dance to
the elegy hymned by a fledgling.
Truth wears a garb of shame proudly.
Every lass is a heiress of her mother’s traits
Home is an earthling selling her pride.
Odunjo Azeez is a young Nigerian and lover of Art. He has his works published in Afrihill, Williwash, Daily Pointers, The Pen Magazine, and elsewhere.